Saturday, November 16, 2019


The creatures here are good too. The urubus (vultures) here are always circling.
The Portuguese teachers taught us a song, that's where we learned
the word urubus.

You can't really see them in this piture, but there are a lot of bats!
They eat miscitoes!

We found a huge moth on the floor of the hotel we stayed at.
They are very pretty.

Here is a huge spider that we found. They are very fast!

You can not see them in this picture behind our house, but there are so many different kinds of birds
and they are so loud!!! It is nice to listen to them.
Posted by: Brenna Gilliland

1 comment:

  1. I noticed there was no comment about how the spider was good! šŸ¤£
    Please rehome him before my visit!
